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The Seven Continent Penny monument Project
Till now, we have three continents with a penny-monument.
The first is situated in Europe, just in front of the Deutsche Bank sky scrapers in Francfort. It was placed there meanwhile a ceremony for the dead of the Pfennig and the Mark, and the beginning of the EURO in 2002 and is the most little monument in the official list of monuments of the town.
Every years first january since that moment, there is a speach about themes around history of the money, of aesthetics of coins, shareholder problems etc.
In 1970 I founded the "Society for the preservation and utilisation of the idea of the penny " in an applewine restaurant of Francfort. (appIewine is beside the well known Francforter hot dogs a specialitiy of the place). At that time I asked myself what could be the artistic response to a challenge from a sourrounding in Francfort that was and is dominated by banks and shareholder societies. I found that a little thing like a penny is like the atom of the world of money. The invention of money is a fantastic idea, it moves the world. Someone had this idea a long time ago, perhaps a priest in a temple. From there on money was a Ersatz for cattle and it is this idea, that pushed the commercial exchange between men. The littlest unit (penny since about 800 p. Chr.) and the mathematic order as a invention is more important than the metal itself. Art is another valuesystem, but a lot of people dont see the real value of the art work (that lies in its harmony of colours, forms and ideas etc.), but they see only dollars when they look at it. 
I was printing a lot of art pieces at that time. Therefore I thought: Well, if people see only the moneyvalue in art, why should I produce art? Better is it to print sharehoulder papers directly in a old technic. That was the beginning of my society of the idea of the penny.
Since more than 35 years it develloped. There are more than 500 shareholders, meetings were held and real big heads of the world of Money and art entered. It would take too much time to explain all the different activities, facts, performances, our virtual bankhouse and exhibitions.
Fact is that the name for the new european money EURO is a result of a campaigne that we had in 1995, for our 25 jubilee. At that time we proposed to all chief of state and financeministers in Europe to call the ECU (european currancy unit) EUROPAN
They took Euro, PAN was cancelled.
That is why I created the money- to- eat EUROPAN, It is baked from products from all over Europe. And the most important part is flour from chestnut from France. All biological. And now a new speciality of Francfort.
The second Pennymonument is in Lobo/ Texas, USA (Northamerica) and the third in UlanUde in Sibiria/Russia (Asia).
In this Year 2007 I will try to organize the places in the missing african, southamerican and antarctic continent.
In the future I will begin to make a voyage to all the places of the pennymonuments and to do a film about this voyage. On this occasion I will bring with me a plate in bronze, that shows a map of the world with the 7 marks in the continents and an explaining text in the different languages. (German, english, french, african, spanish or portugies, russian, buryatian and one of the languages of the aboriginals). You can find some information, mostly in german, and a lot of fotos on this website. My other projects and art works can be visited on » https://vollrad-kutscher.de

The EUROPAN is a Frankfurt speciality.
Once, when it was still unfortunately called the ECU, we proposed to rename the European currency EUROPAN and to make it from bread dough.

The Ministers of Finance took over the EURO — and forgot PAN.

Nevertheless, it saw the light of day during a ceremony at the Pfennigmonument in Frankfurt, at 1.1.2002.

This currency is baked following an old family recipe of the artist Vollrad Kutscher (» https://vollrad-kutscher.de), using biological ingredients from all the European countries.

The main ingredient is chestnut flour from Cevennes, France.
The orange peel comes from Greece, lemons and nuts from Italy, Spain and Portugal.
Egg yolk, buckwheat, syrup, butter, linseed and sugar come from Germany, Luxembourg,
Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria and Ireland, the packaging paper from Finland.
The EUROPAN is rounded off by a few spices from overseas.

The pfennig is dead – long live the EUROPAN!
Beipackzettel EUROPAN

In Kooperation mit: Vollkornbäckerei Siebenkorn   »https://www.siebenkorn.de